Thursday, April 26, 2007

tonight's show

Tonight (live) on "The Comic Book Novice" radio show, our guest will be comic book writer Dave Ryan. He is also the brain child of the upcoming "War of the Independents" comic which will be published by Arcana Comics ( Also this will be part 3 of our 3-part listener appreciation shows. Listen in! 9pm est. afterwards, leave you comments here about this weeks show.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Late meet

Today I had a meeting with my web master. It went really good (except for the drive back!). Things are moving forward. We talked about getting more than one intern (which boggles my mind), were going to try to do some live video recordings and put it right up on the site (at the philly con) and we talked about all the stuff needed for the con and the general direction of the web site. Looks good!

10/21/08 update: The live video feed....a good idea, but we just couldn't get it to work. I guess (for now) it will remain a dream of mine.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tonight's show

Tonight our guest will be Theresa Pudenz ( she will be discussing her new MMOR game "Pirates of the Burning sea". Also tonight is part 2 of our listener appreciation segment. Listen in and leave your comments here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Random Thoughts

As I sit here recovering from my (for now anyways) final dentist appointment. I am thinking about many things. The Don Imus thing...If you actually heard it, it really wasn't racial, nor was it started by him...Don Ho...He died the other day at (I believe 76) I saw him once in Hawaii (got the photo to prove it). It was a good show....Getting ready for the Philly and Big Apple Con...It's gonna be a race to have everything done in time. But things are moving in the right direction....The new girl for the show...Jess is doing fine, but her availability is crappy.....The intern...Will I get one, how exactly will that work out? The bus's still a year away, but it seems like we are way behind schedule...My comic book that I'm slated to write. It's called "Triple Threat" a tie-in to the "War of Independents" cross over that Dave Ryan is doing (featuring my character)...more on that next week!

10/21/08 update: Ah, the bus tour. The only good thing I can say about that is: It wasn't my idea, and (thankfully) It didn't cost me a dime. Once I saw that it wasn't going to happen (due to the timetables and lack of co-ordination). I Simply distanced myself from that and just focused on me going to the SDCC.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tonight's Show

Tonight as our guest in the studio, we will be talking to Mark Mazz ( Check out his site and tune in. 9pm est

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Internal affairs (part 3)

Ok, I went today and spoke to the "Intern guy". Turns out that I didn't need any forms (which I was led to believe). All I need to do is give the guy an...well, I have to advertise about my company to get an intern. Like a REAL JOB! So now (while I sit here in pain from my root canal) I have to think of a way to sell myself. I mean I have been doing that (with trying to get advertisers, and listeners) but this is different. this is someones life, their career......I'll keep you informed!

10/21/08 update: I made my pitch and got no hits.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Internal affairs (part 2)

Yep, it's April already and I'm supposed to (well, I already went) go to Nassau Community College to see if I can get an intern. I went to both NCC and Hofstra in January and NCC told me to come back in April (Hofsta didnt pan out).
So here we are and I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. Now I'm just eager to get anyone to be an intern. Before I was concerned about the "filtering process" but I think it's gonna be slim pickings....
I think that if I'm lucky, not only will I find a creative person, but someone who's personality fits in with the crew.
Oh, and someone with a car... I'll post a follow up on wednesday...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Turtles Tonght!

Tonight on "The Comic Book Novie" radio program (live!), We will be reviewing the new Ninja Turtle movie. Seen it? Call in 9pm est

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Preparing for the con

After last week's show, I was talking to Peter Palmiotti about the upcoming conventions. In June there are 3 (so far) that I know of. The MOCCA, the Philly Wizard con, and the Bigapple con. so that's 3 weekends out of 4. We started to brain storm about attending (at least) two of them. Pete said "If we are going to do that, then we should have stuff to sell there."

As many of you may or may not know, having a table cost money, and it would be unwise to not try and recoup some of that money.

So here's what we are working on so far. We are going to have Bill Tucci do a print promoting my comic (due out next year, maybe sooner....) "The Chosen Few". I figure a color print can go for $10 bucks. We plan on having Bill sit with us or next to us so that he can sign the prints. I have Penciler Brian Kong working on a cover for our new CD that we plan to release in June, Our new "Best of" "The Comic Book novice". It will have all new clips from past shows and if I manage to pull it off, we will also have our old CD's for sale as well....

10/21/08 update: Due to contracts, We never got Bill to do the promo piece. I instead turned to (Savage she-Dragon artist) Franchesco! to take up that duty. He did a bang up job and the art was turned into our cover for the book.