Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15th show

Tonight (May 15, 2008 ) LIVE on "The Comic Book Novice" radio program Join me, Mark Torres and my new co-host, Brian Ferrera (from Terminal Press) as we interview Chugworth Academy co-creator Jamal Joseph (

Not in New York? Not a problem, we have live audio streaming online at

9pm Eastern Standard Time

Missed a show? Archives @

Now in our second consecutive year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

Still love listening to your show when I get a chance to slow down long enough to hear. Glad your still on the Air.

Didn't get to listen to the Iron man show what did you think of the movie?

MFC Studios said...

Remember all our shows are archived, but to answer your question, I liked it. Decent story, good cast interaction, and the special effects were top notch.