Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yep it just had to wait. . .

I am torn (along with my computer monitor being on the fritz). I really couldn't decide to talk about the Movie District 9 or tell you all about some big news that has been floating around for a while. New developments popped up at the last second, so another movie review it is. . . .

I really have to start off with I didn't really know what I was getting into when I went to see this movie. Best guess was something like Alien Nation. But what I got instead, was...ORIGINAL. This was (for me) a new take on an "alien invasion" story. They really didn't invade as much as being stranded. Because of which, the humans did what they normally try to do, control, and experiment on them. However because there was a huge freaking mother ship just floating in the sky "lifeless" the couldn't cover it up. Once the fascination of the aliens wore off (they weren't "cool" or had "powers" or really even any useful tech, they were just there and taking up space), the humans just wanted them to go away. This movie is about the aliens being moved from the (for lack of a better term) slum, to a nice new spiffy concentration camp.

From what I hear, this was a "low budget" (30 million) movie so it had basically no known actors, and they relied on STORY to make this movie work. At some point, you really feel for the characters, and are rooting for them not really sure of the outcome. While, yes, they did leave it with an ambiguous ending, it was still an enjoyable movie.

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