Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30!

When I decided to make Tuesdaays "my" day to blog (Thursdays being he show day, and mon, wed, and fri being Hassan's day) I had no idea how many special "events" would fall on this day. Today is no different. It's my birthday! How old am I you ask? well, some say I can pass for 25, and others say that you are as old as you feel.

This Saturday, I felt OLD. I forgot my phone at my house and I needed to make a phone call, so I asked this girl to borrow her cell. She handed me a sidekick. I had no idea how to open it nor how to use it to make a call. I have never been computer savvy, but come on! Am I too old to figure out how to use a phone? So yes, technology got the best of me that day and I had to ask someone else for a real phone to use....

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